Join the next online dialogue 19. September at 19:00. The coming online dialogues will be every fortnight. In October: The 3rd, 17th and the 31st.

Dialogues are unique environments to look closely at our lives as it is , not as what it should be. It requires a great deal of attention, not so much to what is being said, but rather on how receive them.

We usually do not have a fixed topic in advance, but feel free to suggest what you would like to talk about. We hope to see as many of you as possible.

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NORDIC RETREAT 8th – 12th May, 2025 – Krishnamurti Centre, Brockwood, Bramdean, England.

Krishnamurti Centre in Brockwood, England

Program draft 
The Perfume of the Teaching 
Thursday: 8th of May
Afternoon Arrival 
5:30 PM      Introduction meeting 
7:00 PM      Supper 
Fredag 9th of May 
8:00 AM     Breakfast 
9:30 AM     Video: Excerpts from «The Perfume of the Teaching»
Chapter 1: «You have Drunk from the Fountain»
11:00 AM   Break
11:30 AM   Dialogue 
1:00 PM     Lunch
5:00 PM    Video: Excerpts from «The Perfume of the Teaching»
Chapter 9: «The teaching covers the whole field of life.»
7:00 PM     Supper    
Saturday 10th of May 
8:00 AM     Breakfast 
9:30 AM     Video: “The Ending of Time, episode 13”.
11:00 AM   Break
11:30 AM   Dialogue 
1:00 PM     Lunch
5:00 PM    Video: The Ending of Time, episode 14”.
7:00 PM     Supper    
Sunday 11th of May 
8:00 AM     Breakfast 
9:30 AM     Video: The Ending of Time, episode 15”.
11:00 AM   Break
11:30 AM   Dialogue 
1:00 PM     Lunch
5:00 PM    Dialogue  -summary 
7:00 PM     Supper    

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Join Skype meeting 12. September at 1900.

Last time we discussed interpretations and asked: Is it necessary to create our own interpretation to understand what K was talking about ?

Or is there another way ?

Is this problem also relevant for everything that is happening to us and going on in our lives ?

We ended our discussion by asking if it is possible to use our thinking process to reach deeper insights ?


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Thursday 5th of September at 1900 PM:

In the three first episodes we first talked about what it means to live holistically. That brought us to the topic of the second Thursday: What is the same and what is different ? Which brought us to the third meeting:

Why do we create opinions ?

We ended up with the question: What is a religious mind ?

We want to work on line with the international Krishnamurti Foundations, KFT,KFI and KFA. This means that we want to investigate our lives, culture and the world we live in from the Teaching of J. Krishnamurti without:

— creating interpretations of Ks Teaching

— mixing it with other philosophies or teachings.

Greeting !

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